Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Even if Your First Lady You Can't Avoid Being the Ghetto Girl

This article made my blood boil. Michelle Obama, The First Lady of the United States apparently isn't good enough to vacation at Martha's Vineyard with the regulars. It seems she is just a ghetto girl. This just proves my point that no matter how rich you become your always going to just be a ghetto girl. I remember the Clinton years it was the same for them they were considered "white trash" by many.
I wonder why people look their noses down on ghetto girls anyway. There are a lot of us. Both women sitting on the Supreme Court today are from the hood.
You read the article and the comments on this article and frankly there is a lot of denial about ghetto people frankly there are a lot of people who are gum chewing, finger pointing, head shaking gun toting thugs but most people from the hood know how to keep that behavior in the hood. Ghetto girls do have attitudes but those attitudes get us through some pretty tough times. Ghetto girls know how to survive and yes thugs exist.
I notice that a lot of middle class and rich black people are afraid of being associated with the ghetto that they deny things. Yes there are a lot of thugs in the hood it is how we survive thug life. Most of us OG out of that life or we die or do a dove in prison.
The truth is the hood is not just black its white, Latino, and Asian. Its also Native American. The same problems that affect the black hood effects the entire hood. Gun toting thugs might be black or they might be white both see the same time in prison.
In the end Where I am from trumps race and gender.
Everyone in the hood isn't in a gang but all of us know what its like on the streets because the center of the hood is the streets and the blocks.
I did like the shirt Ghetto Girls Rock

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